On September 14th, 2018, representatives from Epoka University, department of Architecture took part in the first workshop of 100+ Villages Academy, “Akademia 100+ Fshatrat” organized by National Territorial Planning Agency and other institutions. During the workshop, the working teams, institutions and different experts conducted an intense discussion of first findings, experiences and expectations of the Academy.
Epoka University is a partner institution of “Akademia 100+ Fshatrat” which is coordinated by National Territorial Planning Agency (NTPA). Two teams from our department of Architecture are contributing in this project through an intensive engagement of professors and students. The Academy, which aims to build innovative models and proposals for rural development, has started in August 2018 and is planned to be finished in six months.
Architecture Department at Epoka University welcomes the new entrants every year by organizing an exciting orientation program for all new joiners. This year, freshers got introduced with Sou Fujimoto’s “Cloud” pavilion located in Tirana city center.Within two hours students engaged in discussions about the Pavilion and the Design Thinking process behind it.
On 17th of October in collaboration with ‘’The Could” and APR aspiring architects were introduced to Design World. They brought the tensile structures, designed by the former freshers, which in this case happens to be an umbrella, with the aim to understand order and dis-order.
They had to take a picture of the Umbrella, the orientation and position of which in relation with the Cloud structure is decided by them. Supporting ideas and open discussions followed.
he series of Open Lectures, Architecture Department held on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 introduction session to " Spatial Syntax And Algorithms: Research Tools In Urban Planning And Architecture " with Vasco Barbosa (PhD).
The Guest Professor coming from Oporto, Portugal introduced the students of the department with the approach that investigates the different relationships between spatial environments and other phenomena: social economical or environmental. Mr. Barbosa shared some of the researches they had done in their university with the help pf this scientific approach for giving some solutions to spatial planning problems
The forum closed after a talk with students where they shared their questions and discussed opportunities for further engagement and possible implementation of the space syntax in their researches.
Within the framework of "History of Art and Architecture III" course Department of Architecture 3rd year students visited "Arena Kombetare" stadium. The students together with lecturers Edmond Manahasa and Teuta Kodra were guided by Archea Associati Studio representative architects through the construction site. Furthermore the students were introduced to innovative construction techniques and materials related to the new "National Stadium" of Albania.
On 8th of March a very attractive open lecture has been held by Piotr Lorens on urban transformation process on-going in Gdansk (Poland). This lecture was focused on "Planning for large-scale urban interventions. Gdansk young city case study".
It has been a stimulant lecture for our students and for us all, in which various topics of extremely current interests have been stressed, related to the City of Gdansk but strictly contextualized with a wide range of topical urban issues. During the Open Lecture Gdansk has becomes, thus, a paradigmatic practice in the field of urban transition through its experiences in managing abandoned and marginal inner areas, in regenerating ex-industrial settlements and in designing the contemporary architecture and public open spaces.
His considerations on relationships between different scales of intervention and about the real (professional) difficulties on the process from design to implementation have interested the present students whom have reacted with great enthusiasm and attraction (thanks also to his particular pleasantness in the storytelling).
Prof. Piotr Lorens - PhD, DSc is an Urban planner. Lecturer in urban design and development and - since 2007 - Head of the Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning at the Faculty of Architecture, Gdansk University of Technology. Besides his academic career he is also actively involved in the activities of the International Society of City and Regional Planners as well as of the Society of Polish Town Planners. Piotr Lorens graduated as architect from the Gdansk University of Technology, also completed the post-graduate studies at Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
At the same time he is conducting his professional career with the focus on planning and management of the urban regeneration projects in Poland. Among others, he was involved in development of urban regeneration plans for numerous municipalities in Poland and also for many years was involved in planning for regeneration of the Young City in Gdansk - the large-scale urban project located on the site of former Gdansk shipyard. His professional interests include urban planning and regeneration processes, with special focus on waterfront areas and public spaces.
Piotr Lorens will be one of the keynote of 3rd ICAUD 2019 conference on 24-26 October 2019 at Epoka University in Tirana.
From November 19-27, Epoka University, Department of Architecture is exhibiting the wining and shortlisted projects of Aga Khan Award for Architecture, 2016 cycle. In the opening speech for the event, Mr. Bekim Ramku, the representative of Aga Khan Foundation in Balkans and Eastern Europe and at the same time the Director of Kosovo’s Architecture Foundation discussed about the Aga Khan Award, its objectives and other works covered by the foundation.
“The Aga Khan Award for Architecture focuses on processes of change in parts of the world where the built environment is undergoing rapid transformation, at times with dire consequences. Over the last four decades the Award has sought to understand the nature of this change and to have an impact on design and building in the hope of creating a better quality of life for the people who inhabit these environments. Each three-year cycle of the Award involves an exhaustive search for innovative solutions and positive achievements which highlight the significant contribution that architecture can make towards shaping and improving our lives.
The aim of this exhibition is to share the findings of the 13th Award Cycle, spanning from 2014 to 2016. Among hundreds of nominations the Master July reviewed 348 projects from 69 countries and shortlisted 19 of these for in-depth inspection and expert review. From this shortlist six projects were then selected to share the prize money of 1,000,000 USD. Both the Award recipients and the shortlisted projects propose creative solutions to some of the most relevant issues facing architecture today. While different in scale and approach, all of the projects are part of their contexts and enhance the sense of belonging in their communities. What emerged from the many nominations received, and most notable from the 19 projects featured in this exhibition, is a sense of what can be achieved when architects and clients work collaboratively, combining their forces in a conscious effort to improve the built environment and the everyday lives” (Farrokh Tearstain).
The department of architecture at Epoka University conducted an open lecture with Mr. Ajet Nallbani entitled: "Berat: City, Traditional House and Architectural Elements.
The open lecture was organized in the framework of Architectural Design IV Studio course.
Mr Nallbani explained in a detailed way the history of Berat and furthermore he focused in Berat traditional house. He also explained typical architectural elements of traditional Berat dwelling. Mr. Nallbani has a large experience in the field of restoration of architectural heritage of Berat.
On May 10, 2019, Epoka University successfully closed the "International Design Competition for High School Students: IDCHSS 2019" workshop for the ninth consecutive year.
This year, the competition with an abstract theme, designing a “Cat Shelter”, was held on May 02-03, 2019 at the Epoka University premises.
This edition had 35 high school students from the public and non-public schools of the Republic of Albania.
After 2 days of an intensive workshop, the jury selected the following three finalists, who were granted the right to study at the Department of Architecture with 75, 50 and 25% scholarships.
First place: Anastasia Mema ("Dhaskal Todri", Elbasan): 75% scholarship.
Second place: Elion Fiska ("Babë Dudë Karbunara", Berat): 50% scholarship.
Third place: Kevis Cela ("Babë Dudë Karbunara ", Berat): 25% scholarship.
We thank all graduates for their participation and wish them success in their Matura exams.
On 12th of June, Nicola Parisi, Lecturer of Architectural Design at Polytechnic of Bari, gave a supplementary open lecture on the subject “Self Made Architecture” to the Fourth-year students in the Department of Architecture. The lecture was interesting and stimulating also because it was linked with the activities and results of the FabLab founded at PoliBa and addressed to the real implementation of designs and models.
Starting from a sequel of self-making actions of the past Century and very known experiences (such as Lego or the Thonet chair) he brought us to reached the contemporary age in which 3D printers and laser cutter become – together with the design thinking approach – the next frontier for both co- and self-production.
The "Fourth Industrial Revolution" is on going and, together with the "Internet of Things", is targeted in deeply change our life and our ways to intend it.