them-image-mobile Summer Practice
Students of Department of Architecture, Epoka University, in order to qualify for M.Sc. (Architecture) degree, are required to complete a minimum of 36 workdays of construction site summer practice (ARCH310) plus 36 workdays of architecture studio summer practice (ARCH409) in addition to their regular courses and laboratory work.
The year for practice, its duration, subject to be covered, time to be spent on each topic selected for the summer practice are specified by the department concerned.
Each department has an “Architecture Summer Practice Advisory Committee” including at least one member of teaching staff. Members of the committee are selected by the department chairman. This committee administers the department’s summer practice affairs reporting to the department chairman.
The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture has a “Faculty Engineering Practice Board” that meets when necessary. This board is composed of and advisor from all departments that have such a committee. They meet under chairmanship of the Dean or one of his assistants and ensure that the architecture practice procedures are performed according to methods common to the departments.
Each student is responsible for finding a working place for himself that is acceptable to his department, and for completing his architecturalwork in a satisfactory manner. The architectural practice vacancies of department, on the other hand, are distributed to the prospective students by the departments’ architecture practice advisors giving priorities in order of graduation status academic achievement, and the use of the previous architecture practice assignments, or by drawing lots.
Students who find their own working places must submit to the departmental committee, before starting, satisfactory information about their work place, and should obtain their approval. For places for which approval has not been obtained, responsibility rests with the students. All the students can do their practical trainee in Albania or abroad.
Each student to start work should obtain an “Architecture Summer Practice Journal”. In this journal there is general information about architectural work and necessary forms are given. The student daily records all the work he has performed during the work duration according to the department architecture practice program, and later passes all these records into the notebook in accordance with “Essentials of Architecture Summer Practice Report”. The student submits the report to the committee during registration period of semester, following summer practice. This date may be delayed for sometime by the advisory committee. Those students who do not submit reports at the end of this period are considered not to have done their practice. In addition to this report departments may ask for documents covering other information about their work. Incomplete or poorly submitted reports as well as unsatisfactorily completed will be refused.
If a student has not written his reports to acceptable standards and if his practice was satisfactory, he is asked to improve the report within two weeks. Those students who do not hand in the required report within this period, or those whose reports are rejected, are required to repeat this Architecture Summer Practice.
Each student, at the start of the summer practice is required to deliver to the employer the architecture summer training performance forms, marked “confidential” in the journal. At the end of the practice, one of these forms is sent directly to the department advisory committee by registered post. The student is responsible for ensuring this. The other copy is retained in the employer’s files.
The student who gets an (F) average on his performance report, or who has (F) for the attendance status, is required to report the summer practice.
The record of each student who satisfactorily completes his work is sent by the Department to the Registrar’s Office where it is entered into his University record.
The first summer practice is required to be a construction sitepractice and the second one to be a architecture design office practice.
Students should apply to the department summer practice coordinators for questions and problems regarding the summer practice.
Students are recommended to consult the department summer practice coordinators before officiallyapplying to a company for summer practice. The department summer practice coordinators may contact the company if needed.
The students are obliged to identify the company in which they will perform the summer practice. An acceptance letter from the company should be submitted to the department within the specified deadline. The acceptance letter should clearly state the company’s name, field of activity, and contact address and it has to be submitted before the beginning of the final exams.

Watch the video Guidelines for the Summer Practice:

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